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Dr. Nadir Omara

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SAR 100.00 Negotiable
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Ad ID #1363 Published Just published Expires 4 months 29 days Duration 150 days Listed By Owner Listed From Saudi Arabia
Contact Ad Owner Dr Nadir Omara
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Dr. Nadir Omara is a highly accomplished Consultant Psychiatrist with a distinguished career spanning over 16 years across diverse global settings, including the UK, Qatar, UAE, and Sudan. Holding dual Sudanese/British citizenship, Dr. Omara brings a unique cultural perspective to his practice. He is a proud member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych UK) and holds a prestigious Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) from the UK’s Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board (PMETB) in general adult and addiction psychiatry.

About Advertiser (Owner)

. Since 16 years 4 months
Apt 103 - Hijaz Tower building No. 40, Block #10, Riyadh District

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Dr. Nadir Omara - Expert Consultant Psychiatrist | MRCPsych UK

Discover Dr. Nadir Omara, a distinguished Consultant Psychiatrist with 16+ years of experience in the UK, Qatar, UAE, and Sudan. MRCPsych UK and CCT certified.

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Riyadh Province


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